they have their car stolen from their home on New Year's Eve

they have their car stolen from their home on New Year's Eve
they have their car stolen from their home on New Year's Eve

Funny start to the year for the Marsault-Lafitte consorts, who live on rue du Docteur Calmette in Tartas. They were relieved of their white Citroën C3 vehicle registered FD-337-EP on the night of New Year's Eve, parked in the courtyard of their home.

“We spent the evening with friends. We left home at 7:45 p.m. and returned a little before 3 a.m., explains Estelle Lafitte. However, when parking our family car, we were stunned to find that our professional vehicle had disappeared! I told Benjamin, my partner, boss of the Ben Énergie company, to go check the depot in case an employee had moved it, but it wasn't there. »

The Tartas Tour

The couple remains speechless and organizes themselves. “We went around Tartas to try to find him, but our searches were in vain. We have our keys here, so it's definitely a steal! »

The gendarmerie was called and the couple planned to file a complaint this Wednesday 1is January. But in the meantime, around 11 a.m., they found the vehicle parked in a street in Tartas. The gendarmes came to the scene to make the first usual observations. An investigation is underway.


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